Guidelines for Presentations

Guidelines for oral presentations:

Allotted Time

The time available for a standard oral presentation is 15 minutes in total. The time available for plenary talks will be 45 minutes in total and for keynote talks will be 30 minutes in total. Please consider that this time includes answering questions from the audience and changing of presenters at the podium. Therefore, the presentation itself should be shorter (e.g. recommended 12 to 13 minutes maximum for a standard oral presentation). We will keep the schedule starting time for each presentation even if the previous author does not require the full allowed time or if there is an unexpected cancellation.

Acceptable Format

Format for presentation: PDF slides or 16:9 ratio PowerPoint for Windows. In case of Mac presentations, when choosing fonts for your presentation, please use the fonts you find on the Windows Office Compatible sub-menu and you’ll have no trouble with PowerPoint for Windows.

Speaker-Ready Room

Checking in at the Speaker-ready room is the most important step you will take to ensure the success of your presentation. The Speaker room will be opened:

  • on Wednesday 25 September from 13.00 to 18.00
  • on Thursday 26 September from 9.00 to 17.30
  • on Friday 27 September from 9.00 to 16.00.

It will not be possible to use personal laptops. All speakers are required to check-in at the Speaker-ready room at least 2 hours before their presentation or the day before in case of first morning sessions. When checking in, please bring a copy of your presentation on USB storage device to load to a conference computer. When reviewing your presentation, make sure all fonts and/or audio/video clips are working properly. You may edit your presentation at this time. When you are finished reviewing your presentation and verifying if it is ready, Shaping 9 staff will copy your presentation and ensure that it is transferred to the appropriate session and room. At the end of the conference, all files will be destroyed.

Guidelines for poster presentations:

Allotted Time

Posters should be set up in the Poster area from 16.00 on Wednesday 25 September, and must be removed by 16:00 on Friday 27 September, at the latest; posters left after the conference will be disposed of. Posters can be viewed during all coffee breaks. The presenting author should be available near his/her poster during the Poster Sessions for discussions with interested colleagues:

  • on Wednesday 25 September from 16.00 to 16.30
  • on Thursday 26 September from 11.00 to 11.30
  • on Friday 27 September from 11.00 to 11.30.

Acceptable Format

All posters must be prepared in English and be in the format 841 mm x 1189 mm (width x height - poster dimension according to A0-format). Please observe that all posters should have a portrait layout in order to fit the poster board. Each poster session presenter will be provided with a poster board and stickers. The board will be labelled with the assigned Poster id-number as indicated in the program.


18th July 2024


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